Write a C function using pointers to add two matrices and to return the resultant matrix to the calling function
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: int a[5][5],b[5][5],row,col;
4: void add(int(*)[5]);
5: int main()
6: {
7: int c[5][5],i,j;
8: clrscr();
9: printf("Enter row : ");
10: scanf("%d",&row);
11: printf("Enter column : ");
12: scanf("%d",&col);
13: printf("Enter matrix A :\n");
14: for(i=0;i<row;i++)
15: {
16: for(j=0;j<col;j++)
17: {
18: scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);
19: }
20: }
21: printf("Enter matrix B :\n");
22: for(i=0;i<row;i++)
23: {
24: for(j=0;j<col;j++)
25: {
26: scanf("%d",&b[i][j]);
27: }
28: }
29: add(c);
30: printf("Addition :\n");
31: for(i=0;i<row;i++)
32: {
33: for(j=0;j<col;j++)
34: {
35: printf("%d\t",c[i][j]);
36: }
37: printf("\n");
38: }
39: getch();
40: return 0;
41: }
42: void add(int c[5][5])
43: {
44: int i,j;
45: for(i=0;i<row;i++)
46: {
47: for(j=0;j<col;j++)
48: {
49: c[i][j]=a[i][j]+b[i][j];
50: }
51: }
52: }