1: #include<iostream.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<stdio.h>
4: void main()
5: {
6: cout << "Hello World" << endl;
7: getch();
8: }
getsprogramming Tutorials , C Programming, CPP Programming and JAVA Programming , Python Programming , Javascript Programming Welcome to getsprogramming Blog Here You Find Different Programs in Easier way to Explain and gain Knowledge and Try Your Self..Thanks
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Write a CPP Program To Print Hello World
Write a CPP Program To Find Greater Number From Inputed Two Numbers
1: #include<iostream.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<stdio.h>
4: void main()
5: {
6: int a,b;
7: cout << "Enter 2 numbers" << endl;
8: cin>>a>>b;
9: if (a>b)
10: cout << "Greater is : " << a<<endl;
11: else
12: cout << "Greater is : " << b<<endl;
13: getch();
14: }
Write a CPP Program To Perform Addition,Subtraction,Multiliation And Division using Float Data type
1: #include<iostream.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<stdio.h>
4: void main()
5: {
6: float a,b;
7: cout << "Enter 2 numbers" << endl;
8: cin >> a>>b;
9: int sum=a+b;
10: int diff=a-b;
11: int mul=a*b;
12: float div=a/b;
13: cout << "Sum = " << sum <<endl;
14: cout << "Difference = " << diff <<endl;
15: cout << "Multiplication = " << mul <<endl;
16: cout << "Division = " << div <<endl;
17: getch();
18: }
Write a C rogram To Perform Radix Sort in Data Structure
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: void radix_sort(int arr[], int n);
4: void main()
5: {
6: int a[20],n,i;
7: clrscr();
8: printf("Enter the number of elements to be sorted:\n");
9: scanf("%d",&n);
10: printf("Enter the elements:\n");
11: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
12: {
13: scanf("%d",&a[i]);
14: }
15: printf("\nArray elements before Radix Sort:\n");
16: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
17: {
18: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
19: }
20: radix_sort(a,n);
21: printf("\nArray elemants after Radix Sort:\n");
22: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
23: {
24: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
25: }
26: getch();
27: }
28: void radix_sort(int arr[],int n)
29: {
30: int bucket[10][5],buck[10],b[10];
31: int i,j,k,l,num,div,large,passes;
32: div=1;
33: num=0;
34: large=arr[0];
35: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
36: {
37: if(arr[i]>large)
38: {
39: large=arr[i];
40: }
41: while(large>0)
42: {
43: num++;
44: large=large/10;
45: }
46: for(passes=0;passes<num;passes++)
47: {
48: for(k=0;k<10;k++)
49: {
50: buck[k]=0;
51: }
52: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
53: {
54: l=((arr[i]/div)%10);
55: bucket[l][buck[l]++]=arr[i];
56: }
57: i=0;
58: for(k=0;k<10;k++)
59: {
60: for(j=0;j<buck[k];j++)
61: {
62: arr[i++]=bucket[k][j];
63: }
64: }
65: div*=10;
66: }
67: }
68: }
Write a C Program To Perform Shell Sort
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: void main()
4: {
5: int a[20];
6: int i,j,k,temp,n;
7: clrscr();
8: printf("Enter the number of elements to be sorted:\n");
9: scanf("%d",&n);
10: printf("Enter the elements:\n");
11: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
12: {
13: scanf("%d",&a[i]);
14: }
15: for(i=n/2;i>0;i=i/2)
16: {
17: for(j=i;j<n;j++)
18: {
19: for(k=j-i;k>=0;k=k-i)
20: {
21: if(a[k+i]>=a[k])
22: break;
23: else
24: {
25: temp=a[k];
26: a[k]=a[k+i];
27: a[k+i]=temp;
28: }
29: }
30: }
31: }
32: printf("\nArray elements after shell sorting are:\n");
33: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
34: {
35: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
36: }
37: getch();
38: }
Write a C Program To Perform Quick Sorting Technique
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: void quicksort(int b[10],int first,int last);
4: void main()
5: {
6: int a[20],n,i;
7: clrscr();
8: printf("Enter the number of elements to be sorted:\n");
9: scanf("%d",&n);
10: printf("Enter the elements:\n");
11: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
12: {
13: scanf("%d",&a[i]);
14: }
15: printf("\nArray elements before quick sort:\n");
16: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
17: {
18: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
19: }
20: quicksort(a,0,n-1);
21: printf("\n\nArray elements after quick sort:\n");
22: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
23: {
24: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
25: }
26: getch();
27: }
28: void quicksort(int b[10],int first,int last)
29: {
30: int pivot,j,temp,i;
31: if(first<last)
32: {
33: pivot=first;
34: i=first;
35: j=last;
36: while(i<j)
37: {
38: while(b[i]<=b[pivot] && i<last)
39: i++;
40: while(b[j]>b[pivot])
41: j--;
42: if(i<j)
43: {
44: temp=b[i];
45: b[i]=b[j];
46: b[j]=temp;
47: }
48: }
49: temp=b[pivot];
50: b[pivot]=b[j];
51: b[j]=temp;
52: quicksort(b,first,j-1);
53: quicksort(b,j+1,last);
54: }
55: }
Write a C Program That performing Merge Sort(Sorting Techniues)
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #define MAX 20
4: void mergesort(int a[],int low,int high);
5: void merge(int a[],int beg,int mid,int end);
6: void display(int a[],int num);
7: void main()
8: {
9: int n,i,a[MAX];
10: clrscr();
11: printf("Enter the number of elements (<MAX )\n");
12: scanf("%d",&n);
13: printf("Enter the elements\n");
14: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
15: {
16: scanf("%d",&a[i]);
17: }
18: printf("\nArray elements before sorting are:\n");
19: display(a,n);
20: mergesort(a,0,n-1);
21: printf("\nArray elements after sorting are:\n");
22: display(a,n);
23: getch();
24: }
25: void mergesort(int a[],int low,int high)
26: {
27: int mid;
28: if(low<high)
29: {
30: mid=(low+high)/2;
31: mergesort(a,low,mid);
32: mergesort(a,mid+1,high);
33: merge(a,low,mid,high);
34: }
35: }
36: void merge(int a[],int beg, int mid,int end)
37: {
38: int temp,b[MAX],left,right,i;
39: left=beg;
40: right=mid+1;
41: temp=beg;
42: while((left<=mid) && (right<=end))
43: {
44: if(a[left]<a[right])
45: {
46: b[temp]=a[left];
47: left=left+1;
48: }
49: else
50: {
51: b[temp]=a[right];
52: right=right+1;
53: }
54: temp=temp+1;
55: }
56: while(left<=mid)
57: {
58: b[temp]=a[left];
59: left=left+1;
60: temp=temp+1;
61: }
62: while(right<=end)
63: {
64: b[temp]=a[right];
65: right=right+1;
66: temp=temp+1;
67: }
68: for(i=beg;i<=end;i++)
69: {
70: a[i]=b[i];
71: }
72: }
73: void display(int a[],int num)
74: {
75: int i;
76: for(i=0;i<num;i++)
77: {
78: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
79: }
80: }
Write a C Program To perform Heap Sort in Data Structure(Sorting Techniques)
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: void heapsort(int a[50], int n);
4: void heapify(int[], int);
5: void adjust(int[], int);
6: void main()
7: {
8: int a[50],n,i;
9: clrscr();
10: printf("Enter the no. of elements to be sorted:\n");
11: scanf("%d",&n);
12: printf("Enter the elements:\n");
13: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
14: {
15: scanf("%d",&a[i]);
16: }
17: printf("\nArray elements before Heapsort:\n");
18: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
19: {
20: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
21: }
22: heapsort(a,n);
23: printf("\nArray elements after Heapsort:\n");
24: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
25: {
26: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
27: }
28: getch();
29: }
30: void heapsort(int a[50], int n)
31: {
32: int i,t;
33: heapify(a,n);
34: for(i=n-1;i>0;i--)
35: {
36: t=a[0];
37: a[0]=a[i];
38: a[i]=t;
39: adjust(a,i);
40: }
41: }
42: void heapify(int a[50], int n)
43: {
44: int item,i,j,k;
45: for(k=1;k<n;k++)
46: {
47: item=a[k];
48: i=k;
49: j=(i-1)/2;
50: while((i>0) && (item>a[j]))
51: {
52: a[i] = a[j];
53: i=j;
54: j=(i-1)/2;
55: }
56: a[i]=item;
57: }
58: }
59: void adjust(int a[50], int n)
60: {
61: int item,i,j;
62: j=0;
63: item=a[j];
64: i=2*j+1;
65: while(i<=n-1)
66: {
67: if(i+1<=n-1)
68: if(a[i]<a[i+1])
69: i++;
70: if(item<a[i])
71: {
72: a[j]=a[i];
73: j=i;
74: i=2*j+1;
75: }
76: else
77: break;
78: }
79: a[j]=item;
80: }
Write a C rogram To Perform Bubble Sort using Insertion Of Numbers
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<stdlib.h>
4: #define MAX 5
5: void main()
6: {
7: int i,hold,pass,a[MAX];
8: clrscr();
9: printf("Enter the numbers:\n");
10: for(i=0;i<=MAX-1;i++)
11: {
12: scanf("%d",&a[i]);
13: }
14: printf("\n");
15: printf("Array in sorted order is:\n");
16: for (pass=1;pass<MAX;pass++)
17: {
18: for (i=0;i<=MAX-pass;i++)
19: {
20: if (a[i]>a[i+1])
21: {
22: hold=a[i];
23: a[i]=a[i+1];
24: a[i+1]=hold;
25: }
26: }
27: }
28: for(i=0;i<=MAX-1;i++)
29: {
30: printf("%d\t",a[i]);
31: }
32: getch();
33: }
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Write a C Program To Find Predecessor And Successor Of An Element
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: struct tree
4: {
5: struct tree *left;
6: int info;
7: struct tree *right;
8: };
9: struct tree *root;
10: void insert(int element);
11: void display(struct tree *root,int choice);
12: void pd(struct tree *root,int value,int option);
13: void main()
14: {
15: int i,x,a,data;
16: char ch;
17: struct tree *s;
18: clrscr();
19: root=NULL;
20: do
21: {
22: printf("Enter your choice\n1.Insert an element\n2.Display\n");
23: printf("3.Find predecessor and successor in Inorder traversal\n");
24: scanf("%d",&x);
25: if(x==1)
26: {
27: printf("Enter the element\n");
28: scanf("%d",&i);
29: insert(i);
30: }
31: else if(x==2)
32: {
33: clrscr();
34: printf("1.Inorder notation\n2.Preorder notation\n4.Postorder notation\n");
35: scanf("%d",&a);
36: display(root,a);
37: }
38: else if(x==3)
39: {
40: clrscr();
41: printf("Enter the element\n");
42: scanf("%d",&data);
43: printf("1.Inorder notation\n2.Preorder notation\n3.Postorder notation\n");
44: scanf("%d",&a);
45: pd(root,data,a);
46: }
47: printf("\nDo you want to continue> y/n\n");
48: scanf(" %c",&ch);
49: clrscr();
50: }
51: while(ch=='y');
52: getch();
53: }
54: void insert(int element)
55: {
56: struct tree *newptr,*ptr,*parent;
57: newptr=(struct tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree));
58: newptr->info=element;
59: newptr->left=newptr->right=NULL;
60: if(root==NULL)
61: {
62: root=newptr;
63: }
64: else
65: {
66: parent=NULL;
67: ptr=root;
68: while(ptr!=NULL)
69: {
70: parent=ptr;
71: if(element<ptr->info)
72: {
73: ptr=ptr->left;
74: }
75: else
76: {
77: ptr=ptr->right;
78: }
79: }
80: if(element<parent->info)
81: {
82: parent->left=newptr;
83: }
84: else
85: {
86: parent->right=newptr;
87: }
88: }
89: }
90: void display(struct tree *root,int choice)
91: {
92: if(choice==1)
93: {
94: if(root!=NULL)
95: {
96: display(root->left,choice);
97: printf("%d\t",root->info);
98: display(root->right,choice);
99: }
100: }
101: else if(choice==2)
102: {
103: if(root!=NULL)
104: {
105: printf("%d\t",root->info);
106: display(root->left,choice);
107: display(root->right,choice);
108: }
109: }
110: else if(choice==3)
111: {
112: if(root!=NULL)
113: {
114: display(root->left,choice);
115: display(root->right,choice);
116: printf("%d\t",root->info);
117: }
118: }
119: }
120: void pd(struct tree *root,int data,int option)
121: {
122: int array[20];
123: int i=0,k=0,a=0;
124: if(option==1)
125: {
126: if(root!=NULL)
127: {
128: pd(root->left,data,option);
129: array[i]=root->info;
130: i++;
131: pd(root->right,data,option);
132: }
133: }
134: else if(option==2)
135: {
136: if(root!=NULL)
137: {
138: array[i]=root->info;
139: i++;
140: pd(root->left,data,option);
141: pd(root->right,data,option);
142: }
143: }
144: else if(option==3)
145: {
146: if(root!=NULL)
147: {
148: pd(root->left,data,option);
149: pd(root->right,data,option);
150: array[i]=root->info;
151: i++;
152: }
153: }
154: for(i=0;i<19;i++)
155: {
156: if(array[i]==data)
157: {
158: k=i;
159: }
160: else
161: i++;
162: }
163: if(k==0)
164: {
165: printf("No Predecessor :-(\n");
166: }
167: else
168: printf("Predecessor = %d",array[k-1]);
169: printf("Successor = %d",array[k+1]);
170: }
Write a C Program To Traverse Binary Search Tree (INORDER , PREORDER and POSTORDER)
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: struct tree
4: {
5: struct tree *left;
6: int info;
7: struct tree *right;
8: };
9: struct tree *root;
10: void insert(int element);
11: void display(struct tree *root,int choice);
12: void main()
13: {
14: int i,x,a;
15: char ch;
16: clrscr();
17: root=NULL;
18: do
19: {
20: printf("Enter your choice\n1.Insert an element\n2.Display\n");
21: scanf("%d",&x);
22: if(x==1)
23: {
24: printf("Enter the element\n");
25: scanf("%d",&i);
26: insert(i);
27: }
28: else if(x==2)
29: {
30: clrscr();
31: printf("1.Infix notation\n2.Prefix notation\n4.Postfix notation\n");
32: scanf("%d",&a);
33: display(root,a);
34: }
35: printf("\nDo you want to continue> y/n\n");
36: scanf(" %c",&ch);
37: clrscr();
38: }
39: while(ch=='y');
40: getch();
41: }
42: void insert(int element)
43: {
44: struct tree *newptr,*ptr,*parent;
45: newptr=(struct tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree));
46: newptr->info=element;
47: newptr->left=newptr->right=NULL;
48: if(root==NULL)
49: {
50: root=newptr;
51: }
52: else
53: {
54: parent=NULL;
55: ptr=root;
56: while(ptr!=NULL)
57: {
58: parent=ptr;
59: if(element<ptr->info)
60: {
61: ptr=ptr->left;
62: }
63: else
64: {
65: ptr=ptr->right;
66: }
67: }
68: if(element<parent->info)
69: {
70: parent->left=newptr;
71: }
72: else
73: {
74: parent->right=newptr;
75: }
76: }
77: }
78: void display(struct tree *root,int choice)
79: {
80: if(choice==1)
81: {
82: if(root!=NULL)
83: {
84: display(root->left,choice);
85: printf("%d\t",root->info);
86: display(root->right,choice);
87: }
88: }
89: else if(choice==2)
90: {
91: if(root!=NULL)
92: {
93: printf("%d\t",root->info);
94: display(root->left,choice);
95: display(root->right,choice);
96: }
97: }
98: else if(choice==3)
99: {
100: if(root!=NULL)
101: {
102: display(root->left,choice);
103: display(root->right,choice);
104: printf("%d\t",root->info);
105: }
106: }
107: }
Write a C Program To Traverse Binary Tree (Creation , Insertion And Traversal
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: struct tree
4: {
5: struct tree *left;
6: int info;
7: struct tree *right;
8: };
9: struct tree *root;
10: void insert(int element);
11: void display(struct tree *root,int choice);
12: void pd(struct tree *root,int value,int option);
13: void main()
14: {
15: int i,x,a,data;
16: char ch;
17: struct tree *s;
18: clrscr();
19: root=NULL;
20: do
21: {
22: printf("Enter your choice\n1.Insert an element\n2.Display\n");
23: printf("3.Find predecessor and successor in Inorder traversal\n");
24: scanf("%d",&x);
25: if(x==1)
26: {
27: printf("Enter the element\n");
28: scanf("%d",&i);
29: insert(i);
30: }
31: else if(x==2)
32: {
33: clrscr();
34: printf("1.Inorder notation\n2.Preorder notation\n4.Postorder notation\n");
35: scanf("%d",&a);
36: display(root,a);
37: }
38: else if(x==3)
39: {
40: clrscr();
41: printf("Enter the element\n");
42: scanf("%d",&data);
43: printf("1.Inorder notation\n2.Preorder notation\n3.Postorder notation\n");
44: scanf("%d",&a);
45: pd(root,data,a);
46: }
47: printf("\nDo you want to continue> y/n\n");
48: scanf(" %c",&ch);
49: clrscr();
50: }
51: while(ch=='y');
52: getch();
53: }
54: void insert(int element)
55: {
56: struct tree *newptr,*ptr,*parent;
57: newptr=(struct tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree));
58: newptr->info=element;
59: newptr->left=newptr->right=NULL;
60: if(root==NULL)
61: {
62: root=newptr;
63: }
64: else
65: {
66: parent=NULL;
67: ptr=root;
68: while(ptr!=NULL)
69: {
70: parent=ptr;
71: if(element<ptr->info)
72: {
73: ptr=ptr->left;
74: }
75: else
76: {
77: ptr=ptr->right;
78: }
79: }
80: if(element<parent->info)
81: {
82: parent->left=newptr;
83: }
84: else
85: {
86: parent->right=newptr;
87: }
88: }
89: }
90: void display(struct tree *root,int choice)
91: {
92: if(choice==1)
93: {
94: if(root!=NULL)
95: {
96: display(root->left,choice);
97: printf("%d\t",root->info);
98: display(root->right,choice);
99: }
100: }
101: else if(choice==2)
102: {
103: if(root!=NULL)
104: {
105: printf("%d\t",root->info);
106: display(root->left,choice);
107: display(root->right,choice);
108: }
109: }
110: else if(choice==3)
111: {
112: if(root!=NULL)
113: {
114: display(root->left,choice);
115: display(root->right,choice);
116: printf("%d\t",root->info);
117: }
118: }
119: }
120: void pd(struct tree *root,int data,int option)
121: {
122: int array[20];
123: int i=0,k=0,a=0;
124: if(option==1)
125: {
126: if(root!=NULL)
127: {
128: pd(root->left,data,option);
129: array[i]=root->info;
130: i++;
131: pd(root->right,data,option);
132: }
133: }
134: else if(option==2)
135: {
136: if(root!=NULL)
137: {
138: array[i]=root->info;
139: i++;
140: pd(root->left,data,option);
141: pd(root->right,data,option);
142: }
143: }
144: else if(option==3)
145: {
146: if(root!=NULL)
147: {
148: pd(root->left,data,option);
149: pd(root->right,data,option);
150: array[i]=root->info;
151: i++;
152: }
153: }
154: for(i=0;i<19;i++)
155: {
156: if(array[i]==data)
157: {
158: k=i;
159: }
160: else
161: i++;
162: }
163: if(k==0)
164: {
165: printf("No Predecessor :-(\n");
166: }
167: else
168: printf("Predecessor = %d",array[k-1]);
169: printf("Successor = %d",array[k+1]);
170: }
Write a C Program to Evaluate Postfix Expression using Stack
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<string.h>
4: #define MAX 50
5: int stack[MAX];
6: char post[MAX];
7: int top=-1;
8: void pushstack(int tmp);
9: void calculator(char c);
10: void main()
11: {
12: int i;
13: clrscr();
14: printf("Insert a postfix notation :: ");
15: gets(post);
16: for(i=0;i<strlen(post);i++)
17: {
18: if(post[i]>='0' && post[i]<='9')
19: {
20: pushstack(i);
21: }
22: if(post[i]=='+' || post[i]=='-' || post[i]=='*' || post[i]=='/' || post[i]=='^')
23: {
24: calculator(post[i]);
25: }
26: }
27: printf("\n\nResult :: %d",stack[top]);
28: getch();
29: }
30: void pushstack(int tmp)
31: {
32: top++;
33: stack[top]=(int)(post[tmp]-48);
34: }
35: void calculator(char c)
36: {
37: int a,b,ans;
38: a=stack[top];
39: stack[top]='\0';
40: top--;
41: b=stack[top];
42: stack[top]='\0';
43: top--;
44: switch(c)
45: {
46: case '+':
47: ans=b+a;
48: break;
49: case '-':
50: ans=b-a;
51: break;
52: case '*':
53: ans=b*a;
54: break;
55: case '/':
56: ans=b/a;
57: break;
58: case '^':
59: ans=b^a;
60: break;
61: default:
62: ans=0;
63: }
64: top++;
65: stack[top]=ans;
66: }
Write a C Program To Convert Infix to Postfix Using Stack
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #define SIZE 100
4: int top = -1;
5: char stack[SIZE];
6: void push(char item);
7: char pop();
8: int is_operator(char symbol);
9: int precedence(char symbol);
10: void main()
11: {
12: int i, j;
13: char infix_exp[SIZE], postfix_exp[SIZE];
14: char item, x;
15: clrscr();
16: printf("\nEnter the arithmetic expression in Infix notation enclosed in parentheses: \n");
17: gets(infix_exp);
18: i=0;
19: j=0;
20: item=infix_exp[i++];
21: while(item != '\0')
22: {
23: if(item == '(')
24: {
25: push(item);
26: }
27: else if((item >= 'A' && item <= 'Z') || (item >= 'a' && item <= 'z'))
28: {
29: postfix_exp[j++] = item;
30: }
31: else if(is_operator(item) == 1)
32: {
33: x=pop();
34: while(is_operator(x) == 1 && precedence(x) >= precedence(item))
35: {
36: postfix_exp[j++] = x;
37: x = pop();
38: }
39: push(x);
40: push(item);
41: }
42: else if(item == ')')
43: {
44: x = pop();
45: while(x != '(')
46: {
47: postfix_exp[j++] = x;
48: x = pop();
49: }
50: }
51: else
52: {
53: printf("\nInvalid Arithmetic Expression.\n");
54: getch();
55: exit(0);
56: }
57: item = infix_exp[i++];
58: }
59: postfix_exp[j++] = '\0';
60: printf("\nArithmetic expression in Postfix notation: ");
61: puts(postfix_exp);
62: getch();
63: }
64: void push(char item)
65: {
66: if(top >= SIZE-1)
67: {
68: printf("\nStack Overflow. Push not possible.\n");
69: }
70: else
71: {
72: top = top+1;
73: stack[top] = item;
74: }
75: }
76: char pop()
77: {
78: char item = NULL;
79: if(top <= -1)
80: {
81: printf("\nStack Underflow. Pop not possible.\n");
82: }
83: else
84: {
85: item = stack[top];
86: stack[top] = NULL;
87: top = top-1;
88: }
89: return(item);
90: }
91: int is_operator(char symbol)
92: {
93: if(symbol == '^' || symbol == '*' || symbol == '/' || symbol == '+' || symbol == '-')
94: {
95: return 1;
96: }
97: else
98: {
99: return 0;
100: }
101: }
102: int precedence(char symbol)
103: {
104: if(symbol == '^')
105: {
106: return(3);
107: }
108: else if(symbol == '*' || symbol == '/')
109: {
110: return(2);
111: }
112: else if(symbol == '+' || symbol == '-')
113: {
114: return(1);
115: }
116: else
117: {
118: return(0);
119: }
120: }
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Write a C program to read data from keyboard, write it to a file named STUDENT again read the same data from STUDENT file and write it into DATA file. Same data should be displayed on the screen.
Write a C program to read data from keyboard, write it to a file named STUDENT again read the same data from STUDENT file and write it into DATA file. Same data should be displayed on the screen.
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<process.h>
4: struct stud
5: {
6: int rno;
7: char *nm;
8: };
9: void main()
10: {
11: struct stud *s;
12: int n,i;
13: FILE *fp,*fp1;
14: clrscr();
15: printf("Enter how many record you want to input : ");
16: scanf("%d",&n);
17: s=(struct stud *)malloc(n*sizeof(struct stud));
18: fp=fopen("STUD.txt","w");
19: for(i=0;i<n;i++)
20: {
21: printf("\n\tInformation for student : %d\n",i+1);
22: printf("Enter Roll No : ");
23: scanf("%d",&s[i].rno);
24: printf("Enter Name : ");
25: fflush(stdin);
26: gets(s[i].nm);
27: fprintf(fp,"%5d %-20s\n",s[i].rno,s[i].nm);
28: }
29: fclose(fp);
30: fp=fopen("STUD.txt","r");
31: fp1=fopen("DATA.txt","w");
32: printf("\nContent of the STUD.txt file is\n");
33: printf("Roll No Name\n");
34: printf("---------------------------\n");
35: while(!feof(fp))
36: {
37: fscanf(fp,"%5d %20s\n",&s[i].rno,s[i].nm);
38: fprintf(fp1,"%5d %-20s\n",s[i].rno,s[i].nm);
39: printf("%7d %-20s\n",s[i].rno,s[i].nm); }
40: fcloseall();
41: getch();
42: }
43: Output:
44: Enter how many record you want to input : 3
45: Information for student : 1
46: Enter Roll No : 1
47: Enter Name : Kartik
48: Information for student : 2
49: Enter Roll No : 2
50: Enter Name : Umesh
51: Information for student : 3
52: Enter Roll No : 3
53: Enter Name : Mehul
54: Content of the STUD.txt file is
55: Roll No Name
56: ---------------------------
57: 1 Kartik
58: 2 Umesh
59: 3 Mehul
Write a C program to create linear linked list interactively and print out the list and total number of items in the list.
Write a C program to create linear linked list interactively and print out the list and total number of items in the list.
1: #include<stdio.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<process.h>
4: #include<stdlib.h>
5: struct node
6: {
7: int info;
8: struct node *next;
9: }*head,*last,*temp,*n;
10: void menu(); // to select the choise
11: void create(); // insert at last
12: void display(); // to print the link list
13: int i;
14: void main()
15: {
16: i=0;
17: clrscr();
18: menu();
19: getch();
20: }
21: void menu()
22: {
23: int ch;
24: printf("1. Create\n");
25: printf("2. Display\n");
26: printf("3. Exit\n");
27: printf("Enter choise : ");
28: scanf("%d",&ch);
29: switch(ch)
30: {
31: case 1 : create();
32: case 2 : display();
33: case 3 : printf("You have choose to exit\n");
34: getch(); exit(0);
35: default : printf("Invalid choise\n"); menu();
36: }
37: }
38: void create()
39: {
40: n= new node;
41: printf("Enter the information : ");
42: scanf("%d",&n->info);
43: if(i==0)
44: {
45: head=n;
46: i++;
47: }
48: else
49: {
50: last->next=n;
51: i++;
52: }
53: last=n;
54: last->next=NULL;
55: menu();
56: }
57: void display()
58: {
59: if(head==NULL)
60: {
61: printf("No information in list\n");
62: menu();
63: }
64: temp=head;
65: while(temp!=NULL)
66: {
67: printf("%d->",temp->info);
68: temp=temp->next;
69: }
70: printf("\n");
71: printf("Total number of elements in the link list are : %d\n",i);
72: menu();
73: }
74: Output:
75: 1. Create
76: 2. Display
77: 3. Exit
78: Enter choise : 1
79: Enter the information : 12
80: 1. Create
81: 2. Display
82: 3. Exit
83: Enter choise : 1
84: Enter the information : 23
85: 1. Create
86: 2. Display
87: 3. Exit
88: Enter choise : 1
89: Enter the information : 45
90: 1. Create
91: 2. Display
92: 3. Exit
93: Enter choise : 2
94: 12->23->45->
95: Total number of elements in the link list are : 3
96: 1. Create
97: 2. Display
98: 3. Exit
99: Enter choise : 3
100: You have choose to exit
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