Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Write a CPP Program To Swap Two Numbers

Write a CPP Program To Swap Two Numbers
1:  #include<iostream.h>  
2:  #include<stdio.h>  
3:  int main()  
4:  {  
5:    int a,b,c;  
6:    cout << "Enter 2 numbers" << endl;  
7:    cin>>a>>b;  
8:    cout<< "Initially"<<endl;  
9:    cout<< "a = "<<a<<endl;;  
10:    cout<< "b = "<<b<<endl;  
11:    c=a;  
12:    a=b;  
13:    b=c;  
14:    cout<< "Swapped"<<endl;  
15:    cout<< "a = "<<a<<endl;;  
16:    cout<< "b = "<<b<<endl;  
17:  }  

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